A little guide to choose a plant


There you go, it’s decided ! You’ve chosen to become the proud parent of an indoor plant, Congratulations ! So, even before buying it, here are a few parameters to consider to guide you in your choice:

  • Exposure : North, South, East or West?
  • Light : how far from your window?
  • Temperature : constant or not?
  • Space : 20 centimeters on a corner of your desk or 3 square meters in your living room?
  • Humidity level : important or not?
  • Watering : are you often absent?
  • Flowers or not?
  • Toxicity : to consider if you have children or pets


Have you answered all the previous questions ? Great ! Now you can finally choose the plant that best suits your environment and lifestyle.

There are hundreds of varieties of indoor plants. Gradually, I will be adding care sheets for my favorite plants to this blog. In the meantime, here are a few relatively low-maintenance options along with their characteristics to help guide you in your choice:

Il existe des centaines de variétés de plantes d’intérieur, petit à petit j’alimenterai ce blog avec des fiches d’entretien pour mes plantes favorites, mais en attendant en voici quelques unes relativement simples d’entretien et accompagnées de leurs caractéristiques pour vous aiguiller un peu dans votre choix :


  • Hibiscus : It requires plenty of light, but avoid direct sunlight during the hot afternoons of summer. Light pruning will help maintain a compact shape, and with regular fertilization, it can bloom all year round. Perfect for a south and/or west-facing living room.
  • Zamioculcas : Very easy to care for, it prefers gentle light such as that from an east-facing window and requires very moderate watering. However, be cautious as it is toxic to both humans and animals and grows quickly. If you want an uncommon plant, I recommend the “zamiifolia raven” variety, which features a stunning almost-black foliage !
  • Orchid (phalaenopsis) : It thrives in a warm, humid, and fairly bright atmosphere. A bathroom with a window is perfect, but be mindful of drafts. With the right pot (transparent plastic with drainage holes), the right substrate (a mixture of fibers and wood bark), and regular liquid fertilizer, you should be able to keep it for several years and get it to bloom again without too much difficulty.


Do you know which plant to choose ? Then where to buy it ? You have several options, including but not limited to : local nurseries, garden centers, specialized online stores, plant markets (common in spring and autumn), and even supermarkets.


  • Each type of seller has its own advantages and disadvantages. Here’s my own personal opinion on the matter :
  • Local nurseries offer a more extensive selection of plants, the staff there are often very knowledgeable, and you’ll have the opportunity to inspect the plants before purchasing, but they often require a higher budget.
  • Garden centers offer a wide variety of plants, and you may sometimes receive interesting advice, but their selection of plants is, in my opinion, a bit too limited to “trendy” species.
  • Plant markets provide a lively atmosphere, a variety of often local plants, and fairly competitive prices, but the quality can vary, and it can be difficult to find specific species.
  • Specialized online stores are the most convenient if you’re looking for a specific plant, but shipping can be costly, and you’re unable to inspect the plants beforehand.
  • Supermarkets, on the other hand, are affordable and accessible, but the quality and variety are often very limited.

    Your choice will then depend on your personal preferences, budget, and above all, what is available in your region.


Now that you know which plant you want and where to find it, here are a few points to be vigilant about during your purchase:

  • Carefully inspect the overall condition of the plant : make sure there are no insects, and that the leaves are healthy. If you’re unsure, don’t hesitate to ask!
  • If you’re given advice, listen to it, even take notes, but also form your own opinion!
  • Don’t be swayed by trendy plants; yes, I know this “Calathea White Fusion” is absolutely stunning, but honestly, I strongly advise against it if you’re a beginner!
  • Check that the roots are not protruding from the pot ; this likely means the pot is too small. The real question is how long it’s been the case? And since you probably won’t be able to answer that, it’s better to choose another plant!
  • Unless it’s an aquatic plant, the pot should not have its feet in water. If it does, make sure the seller(s) has just watered it. Otherwise, put that plant back!


In conclusion, adopting an indoor plant can be a rewarding and enriching experience, but it does require some thought and preparation beforehand.

In the upcoming articles, I will delve into the specific care of certain indoor plants in detail, as well as provide practical advice for keeping them happy and healthy. Stay tuned for more and feel free to share your opinion. Your feedback is valuable to us and will help us create even more useful and relevant content for you.