Maintening a succulent arrangement

Compo 5
Compo 6
Compo 2

Welcome to the wonderful world of succulents ! These fascinating plants have a great adaptability and a strong resistance to drought. There are many species and varieties in a multitude of shapes and colors. If you’ve acquired a beautiful composition, follow the guide below to learn how to care for them !


Succulents love the sun, but be careful not to overexpose them ! Place them in a very bright location preferably with indirect light. Some succulents can tolerate direct sunlight, but will need to be gradually acclimated to it. A south-facing window with a light curtain will be perfect for them. Most succulents are quite sensitive to cold, so you can only leave your succulent arrangement outside if the weather is dry and the temperature is above 5°C (40°F).


Succulents are not thirsty plants : watering once every two weeks in summer should suffice. In winter, depending on the humidity level of your home, you can reduce watering to once every 4 or even 6 weeks. Just make sure the soil is completely dry between watering sessions to avoid any problems with the roots. If the leaves turn yellow and soft, it’s probably due to overwatering. If, on the other hand, the leaves wrinkle or fall while still green, your plants may need more water !


Succulents have an impressive ability to multiply : from a single leaf for crassulas or echeverias, or by dividing them for haworthias or sempervivums. If you want to try your hand at propagation, take some succulents – you’ll see, it’s surprisingly easy !


Succulents are particularly resistant, but sometimes aphids or mealy bugs settle under their leaves and branches. A treatment based on black soap usually does the trick, but remember to rinse the plant after treatment. The biggest risk comes from root rot due to excessive watering : in these cases, you’ll need to repot your plant, remove the damaged roots, and replant it in a dry and more draining substrate.


Some succulents like Crassula ovata are slightly toxic to animals and irritating to humans. Others like Haworthias, Sedeverias, or Echeverias pose no danger. In case of ingestion, do not hesitate to contact the nearest poison control center (veterinary or otherwise).


Need additional help or advice ? Our team is here for you ! Feel free to contact us with any questions or concerns regarding your succulents. We’re here to help make your plant experience a joyful and hassle-free adventure !